01 Dec 06 by Michela Del Degan
Michela Del Degan artworks

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THE BODY AND ITS DOUBLE. …that which changes and has already changed us. …that which changes and has already changed us. The organic body, born from a pulsing of memories, stitches the wounds of a pain engraved on the skin. Recognising this bond of suffering in the works created was like reliving an experience which has become buried. Life is constantly changing, like our skin, but it cannot change the soul, fascinated and frightened by the repeating of events. At this time we are seeing the superficiality with which events are interpreted and judged, searching for a label to give our body. Diversity and transgression…the number of cultural paths are reduced through the changing and metamorphosis of the body: from an altered relationship with one’s own body to an altered universe of communication. Marking one’s own personal aesthetic value with a barcode is like typing a series of visual metaphors linked to a crude reality. In the incomplete illusion of an identity, each viewer will give the work a unique and impalpable body. “The body and its double” is an attempt to configure an identity composed of molecular fragments of a common DNA. The composition of this new theoretical body comes from an inorganic representation which is consciously changing. Each encounter with the paintings redesigns the identity of a changeable subject and redefines a body cyclically under construction. The intention has been to give a constant value to the meticulous metaphorical research into the composition of the work. The immediate references regard the body. A descriptive hybridization is used to depict a new way of understanding the body, taking into account the problems within each subjective identity. It is through of the pain of a wound that we perceive the particles which allow us to interpret the work. Recognising the common diagnosis with regard to the meaning of existing in a body was an examination of life. Each work was the conscious mark of a suffering perceived through the signs. The graphic solutions were injected inside the body, sliding into the bloodstream. The fluidity of the signs penetrated the body with a pulsing rhythm, to the extent of re-opening the wounds. The suffered memory of a time emerged and blossomed lucidly in front of the eyes. The iconography of the injuries sustained during the illness had been memorised in the mind. The generic pain perceived was the molecular discovery of another form of suffering which spread inside the body, freezing the blood. The crude reality filtered inside our body each day can attack the organs and cloud our minds with false sensations. Everything can become routine and the signs of this work passively enclose the changeable artistic panorama, since the sterilisation of the organ that is the heart has caused us to lose each and every connection with the eye of the soul. From this interpretation comes a desire for liberation from the mass of amorphous thought. Before the body erodes the works, culture in its entirety must dominate over life. Life not as an external appearance of the facts but as an elusive image of forms. Shattering the official language and rejecting the customary limits of man, the work begins to push the boundaries of the so-called reality towards a specialised place of representation.

22 Dec 06 12:31

complimenti! Mi piace molto il tuo lavoro, non vedo l'ora di vederlo dal vivo. A Trapani!

24 Dec 06 09:48

Ciao Michela, mi ha colpito il cuore sul tuo studio log e visitando il tuo profilo sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa. I miei complimenti per il tuo lavoro originale. Ci vediamo a Trapani.

Going beyond in a paper garment
Going beyond in a paper garment
Going beyond in a paper garment

Paper organisms go beyond garments and turn over pages of distant memories like travel journals over and over again we mend this bond, wearing our shadow, with changing clothes the soul of our encounter. The cartographic suit passes through many places, it floats in space, changing the hierarchy of its position. Over and over again bodies mend the encounter with emotion art invades the skies and creates reflections of shade. The paper garment made from an ensemble of seams demonstrates the fragility of its being taking its form from the size and shape of the body The multidimensionality of the body ceases to have a standard size, if it is labelled by its ego. We hang up our memories and we wait until life goes beyond its physical form to become one from a twin body: a spiritual body.

il pesce
il pesce
il pesce

BLACK ANGELS... a body without a face. Project: "...the face forms part of a system of surfaces and holes, surfaces with holes. But this system must in no way be confused with the volume-cavity system proper of the body. The head is included in the body, but the face is not. ...The head, even the human head, is not necessarily a face. The face only comes into being when the head ceases to be part of the body, when it is no longer codified by the body, when the head itself ceases to have a multidimensional polyvocal physical code – when the body, the head included, is decodified and must be overcoded by something which will be called Face. ... For the very reason that it depends on an abstract machine, the face will not limit itself to covering the head, but will influence the various parts of the body, and perhaps other objects without any resemblance to it. At this point the problem is knowing the circumstances under which this machine, which produces the face and facialisation, goes into motion." Gilles Deleuze - Félix Guattari works: The machine which produces facialised works or simply surfaces with holes has gone into motion. The garment ceases to have a multidimensional code and becomes an overcoded work. The volume cavity proper of the body is emptied by this abstract machine that is art.

15 Feb 07 00:13

Michela - wow this is brave work -very intrigueing.....well done. I look forward to seeing more of your artwork

corpo stereometrico
corpo stereometrico
corpo stereometrico

The created work has interwoven a time of memories within itself. Each knot encloses an infinite space of my mind, generating a physical shell through the movement of my hands. The aim was to create organic volumes of a stereometric body, an artistic geometry presenting the ancient way of working of an artisan. Macramé is the art of making decorative knots, a technique used by sailors to pass the time during the long days spent at sea. This exploration of the art of macramé took me to Sicily, and to Trapani in particular, to exhibit my goods for cultural exchange. Ever since the most ancient times, art has spread by following different paths, today we navigate on a boundless artistic sea, and we must mark out the land where we meet to transmit our own artistic message.


The created work has interwoven a time of memories within itself. Each knot encloses an infinite space of my mind, generating a physical shell through the movement of my hands. The aim was to create organic volumes of a stereometric body, an artistic geometry presenting the ancient way of working of an artisan. Macramé is the art of making decorative knots, a technique used by sailors to pass the time during the long days spent at sea. This exploration of the art of macramé took me to Sicily, and to Trapani in particular, to exhibit my goods for cultural exchange. Ever since the most ancient times, art has spread by following different paths, today we navigate on a boundless artistic sea, and we must mark out the land where we meet to transmit our own artistic message.

Pink Flesh / prostata
Pink Flesh / prostata
Pink Flesh / prostata

La vita muta continuamente come la pelle, ma non può mutare l'anima, ormai affascinata e spaventata dal ripetersi degli eventi. In questo momento subiamo la superficialità della lettura e del giudizio della vita cercando un'etichetta da dare al nostro corpo artistico. Ma qual è il vero corpo che noi indossiamo?

Pink flesh / lingua
Pink flesh / lingua
Pink flesh / lingua

La vita muta continuamente come la pelle, ma non può mutare l'anima, ormai affascinata e spaventata dal ripetersi degli eventi. In questo momento subiamo la superficialità della lettura e del giudizio della vita cercando un'etichetta da dare al nostro corpo artistico. Ma qual è il vero corpo che noi indossiamo?


The created work has interwoven a time of memories within itself. Each knot encloses an infinite space of my mind, generating a physical shell through the movement of my hands. The aim was to create organic volumes of a stereometric body, an artistic geometry presenting the ancient way of working of an artisan. Macramé is the art of making decorative knots, a technique used by sailors to pass the time during the long days spent at sea.


The created work has interwoven a time of memories within itself. Each knot encloses an infinite space of my mind, generating a physical shell through the movement of my hands. The aim was to create organic volumes of a stereometric body, an artistic geometry presenting the ancient way of working of an artisan. Macramé is the art of making decorative knots, a technique used by sailors to pass the time during the long days spent at sea. Ever since the most ancient times, art has spread by following different paths, today we navigate on a boundless artistic sea, and we must mark out the land where we meet to transmit our own artistic message.