25 Jan 09 by maggie hargreaves
maggie hargreaves artworks
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based on the power of the sea, I partially destroyed the support using water, scrunching, scraping and rubbing.
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based on the power of the sea, I partially destroyed the support using water, scrunching, scraping and rubbing.
28 Jan 09 19:53
This interests me Maggie. I'm attracted to works that are obviously about an exploration of a "process" of sorts. I trust it's not a one-off, and that you have the inherent discipline to continue with your research, that perhaps should result in a progressive series based on your findings. Are you in a position to delve deeply into the power of the sea?
29 Jan 09 22:50
You're right, this is the end of a series of explorations linked to the sea. I looked at corrosion of metal,monotypes , and eroding ice with salt on time lapse and other drawings. This is where it lead for now
29 Jan 09 23:38
OK then I'm keenly interested in seeing the progress you've made in order to arrive at this juncture. Oftentimes the steps taken to achieve a significant point-in-time are significant in themselves. Do you care to share with us the development that has led to the visual solution of this piece?
layers of thin sprayed and spattered paint
wave on pier
sheet steel soaked in salt water went rusty and granular. Then i painted and drew . And scraped.
wave and pier II
i got really angry making this piece and slashed it with a knife then layered on lots of ccolours and scraped the sky area. I like the effect here shimmery. also like the dark ground with colours over
sea view
here's where i started scrunching the paper. then worked in with pastels- loose powder and very active colour. but putting in the sky and horizon distances you from it. it's not dangerous now
four waves
four images looking at colours and top of the wave showing. top right has a figure in front. no horizon brings you closer each 40x30
wave crashing on pier
monotype .spray effect of inks. drawn into after with black ink .
charcoal drawing with talc thrown across creating the wave