Don't know why but the environment of a long corridor lit from one side by a bank of windows giving onto closed rooms on the other, has always attracted me. Is it a cloister, a prison, a psychiatric ward? At any rate, whatever's going on in the rooms in this image seems ok to me. The red chair and warmth of the sun win over any threatening aspect the black ink might possess. Should Nú´s description of a space inside refer to her own internal space within, then there is much to discover here, according to this attractive painting.
You have a deft hand with wet in wet technique. I have a fondness too for such emotive, 'alla prima' creation. Yet I wonder why the work has to be so specific in its subject, that is a chair, or flowers, or a figure...but it is a beautiful series!
a big force in a moment after a deep crisis
sedia rossa
a space inside
28 Apr 16 10:52
Don't know why but the environment of a long corridor lit from one side by a bank of windows giving onto closed rooms on the other, has always attracted me. Is it a cloister, a prison, a psychiatric ward? At any rate, whatever's going on in the rooms in this image seems ok to me. The red chair and warmth of the sun win over any threatening aspect the black ink might possess. Should Nú´s description of a space inside refer to her own internal space within, then there is much to discover here, according to this attractive painting.
boccia rossa con fiori
a moment of silence and peace
yellow explosion
a great explosion inside
black explosion
grey sunflower
sunflower are made by a lot of famous artists, I gave my personal version
a place rich of mistery
05 Feb 09 00:48
You have a deft hand with wet in wet technique. I have a fondness too for such emotive, 'alla prima' creation. Yet I wonder why the work has to be so specific in its subject, that is a chair, or flowers, or a figure...but it is a beautiful series!
industry landscape
I really like this kind of atmofere
31 Mar 08 10:55
I like it!
macchie rosse
a moment of happyness and great force
without peace
Autumn consciousness
A work about consciousness
Autumn consciousness
a deep blue consciousness
Autumn consciousness
another work about autumn consciousness
an autumn flower
summer air
a summer in Italy
Red dress
Ceramic, glaze
Wabi sabi element
wabi sabi sculptures
the golden age
gres, glaze,gold
Porcelain Vases
Variazioni Metra
Bowls and cups
Wabi Sabi red dress
Artwork influenced by wabi sabi.