23 Oct 20 by Sandra Miranda Pattin
Dance to Exhaustion is a series of actions thought as a way to liberate oneself from impelling difficulties and specifically from the huge amount of violent news that overwhelms our lives. My proposal is not to avoid reality but to avoid getting blocked by the conflict and feel powerless. Dancing without music makes the action about the energy one's body can eliminate, it allows to get in touch with the movement without thinking of the music and how we look like when we are dancing, tribes have used this method of dancing to exhaustion to transform the state of mind. It is one of 17 actions that I will be completing in a 6 month period of time proving myself that body is a territory of transformation, the first 3 are meant to be done only by myself and the other 15 will include other people, the first will be with one invited artist and then the number of people will grow as the actions happen in time. Only when a thought goes through your body it becomes real.

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Dance to Exhaustion - Sandra Miranda Pattin

Dance to Exhaustion is a series of actions thought as a way to liberate oneself from impelling difficulties and specifically from the huge amount of violent news that overwhelms our lives. My proposal is not to avoid reality but to avoid getting blocked by the conflict and feel powerless. Dancing without music makes the action about the energy one's body can eliminate, it allows to get in touch with the movement without thinking of the music and how we look like when we are dancing, tribes have used this method of dancing to exhaustion to transform the state of mind. It is one of 17 actions that I will be completing in a 6 month period of time proving myself that body is a territory of transformation, the first 3 are meant to be done only by myself and the other 15 will include other people, the first will be with one invited artist and then the number of people will grow as the actions happen in time. Only when a thought goes through your body it becomes real.

Dance to Exhaustion - Sandra Miranda Pattin